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Social, Civic and Community Participation with ISA

Our tailor-made support program assists our Participants to develop a sense of belonging, connection, and inclusion, as well as confidence and safety. Social, Civic and Community participation is where people interact with others. It can be a way to deepen relationships with friends, family and their community at large. It can lead to larger social networks and reduced isolation and provide greater confidence with the feeling that they are safe in the community. ISA’s community access support service assists our participants to increase opportunities for further community participation, employment or study.

We understand the foundational needs that give our participants the energy for community activities. These include stable housing, food security, adequate sleep and mental and physical health. ISA strive to be a provider who factor these needs into our service delivery. We believe in a holistic approach to supporting our participants to achieve their Social and Community participation goals. Having support with ISA will see our participants provided with options, have the ability to express choices and make decisions on how they access, participate and engage in their community. ISA pride ourselves on being the right fit for all parties, as our support workers and participants are matched in age, skills and interests as well as skills to get the best outcomes for our participants.

We believe individualised supports can improve accessibility of activities and assist participants in overcoming their barriers to participation, whether they be negative community attitudes, low participant self-confidence, or a lack of available and accessible transport. We develop our service provision in person-centred planning to identify goals, interests and needs of the individual. This is often done in partnership with family, friends, or others from the individual’s circle of support. The focus is on meaningful participation, not just finding available services or resources. ISA’s skilled individualised supports use strategies like active support and positive behaviour support. These help people to have genuine interactions in the community.

The ISA team is here to support NDIS participants in and around their homes and in the community, helping people with disabilities gain the skills to live a confident, motivated and independent life. Through our extensive connections and small business partners, our participants can take more control over their NDIS plan by identifying groups or activities that will engage them in their community. Some examples of the supports we have found to be most beneficial include:

  • Obtaining Drivers License

  • Applying for Disability Support Pension

  • Supported Employment

  • Money Handling and Budgeting

  • Fitness and Health

  • Shopping

  • Community Activities

  • Personal Hygiene and Sexual Health

If you or those under your care need assistance getting out and about amongst the community, talk to the friendly and professional ISA team today!

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